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Some jobs from the past year. sphomeandgarden.com get ready for summer.

Ivory Matt finish porcelain patio. sphomeandgarden.com

Composite decking, close board fencing and raj natural stone.

Complete garden makeover. Creating 4 tiers.

Completed sleeper wall and natural stone. sphomeandgarden.com

Created 4 tiers. sphomeandgarden.com

Silver compasite decking. sphomeandgarden.com 07742220006

Compasite decking and balustrades completed. sphomeandgarden.com 07742220006

Burnt willow Abbie setts sphomeandgarden.com

Recently completed, conservatory roof conversion. sphomeandgarden.com

Front garden completed sphomeandgarden.com

Another completed. sphomeandgarden.com

Another Garden room completed. Sphomeandgarden.com

Garage roof and garden completed